Telegraph Poles, Sheds and Horses: A Devon Photo Safari

Home > Photos > Telegraph Poles, Sheds and Horses: A Devon Photo Safari

Water drops and a yellow flower in a pond.

The shed door.

Rich and some serious camera kit.

Close-up of a birch tree.

Jamie showing he's willing to get muddy for the cause.

White and black swirls in the bark of a fallen tree.

The head of a wild horse.

Close-up of a wild horse.

Wild horse eating some yellow bush.

Tor's big old head.

Big moss covered rock near a creek.

Cliché wispy water photo.

Jamie taking photos in the fog.

Bark of a tree that looks like an elephant.

Julia working on her dog phobia.

Horse grazing outside the house.

View from the moor in the late afternoon.

Who is that handsome guy?

Morning dew on a star shaped plant.

Rich taking a photo of the yellow bushes.

Sunny patches floating over field hillside.

Danger of death sign on a telegraph pole

Hello my name is telegraph pole 5859 10.

Does it get any better than a telegraph pole at sunset?

Close-up of a white wild horse.

Thorny plant and a wooden wall.

Swirly patterned boulder sculpture.

Graffiti carved in a tree.