Inviscid Text Entry and Beyond

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Inviscid Text Entry and Beyond

Keith Vertanen, Mark Dunlop, James Clawson, Per Ola Kristensson, Ahmed Sabbir Arif

CHI '16: Extended Abstracts of the ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (workshop), 2016.

The primary focus of our workshop is on exploring ways to enable inviscid text entry on mobile devices. In inviscid text entry, it is the user's creativity that is the text-creation bottleneck rather than the text entry interface. The inviscid rate is estimated at 67 wpm while current mobile text entry methods are typically 20-40 wpm. In this workshop, participants will discuss and demonstrate early work into novel methods that allow very rapid text entry, even if such methods currently are quite error-prone. In addition to submitting a position paper, participants are strongly encouraged to bring a demo to present during the workshop's interactive Show-and-Tell session. As well as exploring new entry methods, the workshop will discuss experimental tasks and evaluation methodologies for researching inviscid text entry. Looking beyond the speed of entry, the workshop will explore often overlooked aspects of text entry such as user adaptation, post-entry correction/revision/formatting, entry of diverse types of text, and entry when a user's input or output capabilities are limited. Finally, the workshop serves to strengthen the community of text entry researchers who attend CHI, as well as provide an opportunity for new members to join this community.
