Identifying the Desired Word Suggestion in Simultaneous Audio Dylan Gaines, Keith Vertanen PETRA '25: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, 2025 (to appear). We explore a method for presenting word suggestions for non-visual text input using simultaneous voices. We conduct two perceptual studies and investigate the impact of different presentations of voices on a user's ability to detect which voice, if any, spoke their desired word. Our sets of words simulated the word suggestions of a predictive keyboard during real-world text input. We find that when voices are simultaneous, user accuracy decreases significantly with each added word suggestion. However, adding a slight 0.15s delay between the start of each subsequent word allows two simultaneous words to be presented with no significant decrease in accuracy compared to presenting two words sequentially (84% simultaneous versus 86% sequential). This allows two word suggestions to be presented to the user 32% faster than sequential playback without decreasing accuracy.