mobile13 Have a good evening. mobile20 Are you going to join us for lunch? mobile32 OK to make changes, change out original. mobile39 Do you want to eat lunch somewhere before? mobile68 If so he probably will have to pay back. mobile73 I have already approved and forwarded. mobile82 How are we handling others in that group? mobile89 Is she done yet? mobile109 Michael has his holiday performance. mobile112 Here's the talking points for ANNGTC. mobile126 Very foggy this AM. mobile134 Mostly a social call. mobile148 I would like to attend if so. mobile157 I am in 50M if you need me. mobile182 Chad thought we were on a treasure hunt. mobile201 Thanks I needed that today! mobile206 No problem Maria, please contact Rick. mobile210 A bit behind on my emails. mobile217 What is your issue sir? mobile230 Paige is gone. mobile278 I'm in the waiting room of the ENT now. mobile280 Check with Haedicke mobile283 Is Cassandra there today? mobile288 Shouldn't be too hard though. mobile290 In a couple of weeks. mobile300 I will call in 20 to 30 minutes. mobile323 This is the neatest toy I have had. mobile333 No, but thanks. mobile361 Can we go to 150/150 with Foster? mobile393 Surely we can cover this from within Virgo's team? mobile409 Do you need it today? mobile412 Will call later to explain. mobile422 There will be some better news later today mobile423 What is going on? mobile460 I'll probably page you. mobile478 Would you please send runner to get this? mobile497 I'm looking forward to the long weekend! mobile498 Do we need to do anything here? mobile503 Because there is traffic. mobile506 Jane, what about this Thursday for lunch? mobile515 Presumably so do you. mobile519 What is happening to the stock price? mobile542 Are things better for you at home tonight? mobile546 Mixed signals from APS today. mobile559 Milly is a seller. mobile571 Boy, I couldn't write too much on this thing! mobile581 Shelley (making good use of my jury duty time) mobile590 Next time ask Jim to call me. mobile599 This looks fine. mobile600 I am out of town on business. mobile615 I would expect an answer ASAP. mobile632 Did you see Laura's message.? mobile636 Is it over? mobile641 I'll get you one. mobile671 I'll just have her call Tracy. mobile697 What did you and Ava decide to do? mobile723 Lynn checked with Fran and she told her coordinator. mobile729 I am on a plane, sorry. mobile745 I think that we should enforce the agreement. mobile753 Did he get a signing bonus? mobile761 Still hustling to find dollars for the quarter end. mobile776 When do you have to be there? mobile783 We are about to leave Heaven! mobile786 Please leave it to Brian. mobile797 Just playing with you! mobile807 They may want to discuss with you. mobile858 Wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. mobile867 I think that Pam Butler called him. mobile877 I'll come have a beer with you guys later. mobile878 The SoCal meeting was very beneficial. mobile893 We must be consistent. mobile905 This is a most unfortunate news release. mobile912 We can have wine and catch up. mobile918 You just can't work without me can you? mobile963 What is wrong? mobile976 Weather is bad here. mobile1016 We can work around these plans if you prefer. mobile1021 Maybe you can leave early. mobile1063 Thank you for your prompt reply. mobile1071 I know several who work there. mobile1093 Is that enough for this week? mobile1106 Thanks for all you are doing mobile1122 Jan, sorry for the inconvenience. mobile1165 We have lots of forks, etc. (went to Sam's). mobile1174 Michael was great this AM. mobile1184 I need your home cell or whatever. mobile1201 FYI on the demand letter I signed earlier. mobile1252 Barry, hope that you had a great Christmas. mobile1258 The rest is a byproduct of slapshot. mobile1270 1 - number of questions on this. mobile1271 How soon do you need it? mobile1302 I'll find someone to do it. mobile1305 Geez, I sound pathetic. mobile1330 How is it going? mobile1358 We are having fun. mobile1360 I have rates and capacity utilization information ready. mobile1384 Sorry to keep you in suspense! mobile1393 We sold the UK business to AEP. mobile1397 Are we ready for this on Monday? mobile1415 Isn't that about the way it could happen? mobile1441 We haven't made that decision here though. mobile1462 I just had my head in the clouds. mobile1470 Wonder what next week will bring. mobile1483 So you're ignoring me. mobile1500 I am really not wanting to come back. mobile1504 I spoke with Lara Robinson this morning. mobile1523 Has it been mentioned yet? mobile1557 Please stay on top of the security issue. mobile1590 I will not be available. mobile1603 Travis is in charge. mobile1617 FYI I saw Ken Caminiti at Animal Kingdom yesterday! mobile1624 I would suggest you and Mark address this together. mobile1627 I am in a due diligence meeting until 6:00. mobile1638 Are you in a good mood? mobile1640 Can you help get this cleared up? mobile1643 I have a high level in my office. mobile1669 Kind of like silent fireworks. mobile1676 She has the game tomorrow. mobile1680 What is the status of the Pemex discussions? mobile1690 Remember blackberry doesn't work so well at home. mobile1696 I think afraid of mass exodus. mobile1706 Sorry for the unfriendly greeting in the lobby. mobile1707 I need to talk to Tom Carlton, their decision-maker. mobile1726 Let's leave it until we get going. mobile1746 The other figure is the top 15 contracts. mobile1767 Do you need to be there? mobile1769 Hope you had a good weekend. mobile1795 Can you bring these to 49C1? mobile1796 I have no personal transactions with any Enron entity. mobile1802 She is taking over Global Finance Legal. mobile1808 Just sitting around. mobile1824 I'm in 49C1. mobile1858 It's raining here. mobile1862 If so what was it? mobile1881 If you need John speak up now. mobile1894 We are somewhat emasculated bystanders. mobile1899 This seems fine to me. mobile1901 I will tell them. mobile1930 I thought you needed him to carry two people. mobile1945 I'll ask, he just came by. mobile1978 Call me anytime for information. mobile1990 I have received your messages and will respond accordingly. mobile2006 I think you need to push Wasaff. mobile2008 Was wondering if you and Natalie connected? mobile2061 You are welcome in Palacios this weekend, of course. mobile2066 FAX 212 253 9229 mobile2082 These are big storms and traffic isn't moving. mobile2083 We had a VP PRC meeting Thursday. mobile2086 I vote for the latter. mobile2089 We don't want to look bad to Dyn. mobile2095 Lynn, got to the office OK. mobile2118 We just pulled schedules from the web. mobile2148 They are specifically concerned about the current intercompany notes. mobile2149 Nice weather for it. mobile2188 Thanks for your help in quickly setting this up. mobile2194 Just in case we haven't invited any of them. mobile2199 Go ahead and notify. mobile2212 How did they get onto our floor? mobile2229 Is it far? mobile2234 On Mahonia margining, I spoke with Mike Garberding.